Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sand Blasting

Sometimes called "air erasing", sand blasting is, for lack of better works, using sand at high pressures to remove things like rust, paint, or in my case, glaze. I bought my sand blaster probably 6 months ago, but due to this, that, and every other thing, tonight is the first night it's been fired up.

Why did I want to learn to sandblast? To me, it opens a huge door to doing neat things with china horses. Take, for example, the horse below. I am, as usual, sorry about the picture quality (really, what's the point of having a phone that is smarter than I am in so many ways, and yet it can't focus or adjust lighting lol).

Our two victoms:

A legless Hagen Renaker horse (I was told what would happen, but I'm just kind of a nut who has to see it for myself). I know it's hard to see, but you see that grey area around the tail and the rump? That's where the sand blaster literally blew chunks of the underlying HORSE off. There's large chunk of horse missing now. I was told that bisque (ceramic) horses are much softer than porcelain, and, they are porous, so they actually bond with the finish.

A Lakeshore horse I think called Touch of Sky. Regardless, I am going to just call her Sky. The horse to the right is what Sky looked like before she went into the sand blaster. I started out thinking I'd blast the whole horse white, but she sort of ended up with an appy pattern, so I switched to plan B. I am going to go over her black area's with the black that I have, so that it matches what I will be using. I'm thinking maybe very low or no front socks, and adding some black to the back legs but I need to find a picture first. I'm also going to change her face marking, so I made a blaze to start with. And of course, she'll get some spots. Neat thing about sand blasting, she's roaned all over the edges of her blanket.

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So there you have it. Plan is to have her done in time for the Breakables show. We'll see. Hubby's leaving in a couple hours for his military 3 week romping, so I'll have the evenings to myself to work. So here's hoping. I have a few other horses I'm trying to get finished to raise some quick Breyerfest bucks, just a few weeks away!!

Til next time!

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